Provides a fairly comprehensive set of British and Irish primary legal materials freely available online. The Irish case law databases include the following decisions:
- Irish Supreme Court 1998 onwards;
- Irish High Court 1997 onwards;
- Irish Court of Criminal Appeals 2004 onwards;
- landmark decisions from earlier years;
- Irish Competition Authority 1991 onwards;
- Irish Information Commissioner 1998 onwards.
Also included are Irish Legislation and Statutory Instruments 1922-2005 and Irish Law Reform Commission Papers and Reports 1976 onwards
The judgments database contains written judgments of the Supreme Court 2001 onwards, the High Court 2003 onwards and Court of Criminal Appeal 2004 onwards. The court will consider e-mail requests for judgments for earlier years.
Legal Diary contains court lists for the High Court, High Court on circuit and Circuit Court lists.
Cork High Court Personal Injuries Lists
Legal Diary contains court lists for Cork High Court Personal Injuries Sessions.
Cork High Court Non-Jury and Chancery Lists
Legal Diary contains court lists for Cork High Court Non-Jury Sessions
If you need to check any citation reference you can do so via this site.
The judgments database contains written judgments of the Supreme Court 2001 onwards, the High Court 2003 onwards and Court of Criminal Appeal 2004 onwards. The court will consider e-mail requests for judgments for earlier years.
Website of The Equality Authority, an independent body established to provide advice, information and representation on equality issues.
Guidance on procedure and very useful database of recommendations made since the 1980s which is easy to search.
Labour Relations Commission – has useful downloads of codes of good practice and publications.
Office of the Attorney General
Irish government website provided by the Citizens Information Board offering a broad range of information under easily-accessible headings.
Companies Registration Office, including free search for details on companies registered in Ireland.
Central Statistics Office
Website of the National Employment Rights Authority providing Employment Law advice to both employers and employees.
Dept of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. Employment legislation section very useful for tracking latest developments and the staff in this section are helpful.
Health and Safety Authority site has a number of useful publications available for download (and many are free!).
Irish state website, good starting point for research to find other related government material and legislation.
Wide number of areas covered but useful for alerting to new developments, for example timetables for certain EU directives to come into force and associated legislation.
The Land Registry
Office of the Information Commissioner, legislation section is handy as all relevant material in one place and the search facility will retrieve decisions by topic.
Dublin Solicitors Bar Association – magazine Parchment free download, contains useful articles.
Irish Bar Council website includes their code of conduct and searchable list of members of the bar.
The Law Society
British parliamentary papers on Ireland 1801 to 1922
Irish Law
Covers legislation (Acts and S.Is) from 1922 to date
Good site includes search for S.I.’s related to any particular statute and a comprehensive list of articles published in Irish journals since 1997
This site includes planning information, rates regulations and numerous downloadable forms.
Website of Cork County Council
The Irish Examiner
The Independent
The Irish Times
The Daily Business Post
Downloadable forms
Irish Taxation Institute, see news and publications section for free updates.
Annotated legal links directory covering UK, Commonwealth and US, includes an index of sites by topic. Excellent starting point.
Law Society site for solicitors qualified in England and Wales, provides latest news and guidance and search function to find a solicitor or firm.
Solicitors Regulation Authority – regulatory body for English solicitors, includes the Code of Conduct.
Lists of links for Irish and UK solicitors, includes what’s new on the legal internet and legal goods and services.
Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution, free downloadable model mediation agreements, best practice guidance when conducting a mediation and links to relevant case law and procedure.
Court service website, includes the daily cause list, the divisional guides and court fees.
Ministry of Justice website, includes links to the civil procedure rules, criminal procedure rules and family procedure rules.
You can subscribe for free to a daily update with the latest English decisions and legal news.
This site has the latest technology news and commentary on new cases.
Rival organisation to the above, includes searchable index of accredited experts and links to mediation/ADR service. Also includes rules for expert determination.
Expert Witness Institute – sets out guidance for expert witnesses including model form of reports and model terms and conditions. Also lays out the court procedure for experts in England and Wales with a link to the expert protocol.
Directory of UK Bar, expert witnesses and in-house lawyers. The expert witness section can be searched by expertise.
Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulation – includes information on UK company and employment law, links to relevant legislation and forthcoming changes.
Office of Public Sector Information site, includes all Acts from 1988 onwards and some from 1837 onwards and all SIs from 1987 onwards. Local Acts from 1857 are also available and church measures from 1988 onwards.
UK Parliament site with links to Hansard, House of Lords judicial business and progress of bills. There are tracker services available so you can sign up to e-mail alerts about UK legislation and House of Lords judgments.
The Observer
Reuters UK
Channel 4
The Economist
The Financial Times
The Guardian
The Independent
The Scotsman
Daily Telegraph
The Times
Free monthly email with summaries of articles on latest developments including new UK legislation etc.
EU Commission site, huge amount of information about existing and forthcoming legislation, news release page useful, not the easiest of sites to navigate.
European Court of Human Rights – this does have an easy to search case law database, HUDOC.
EurLex – European Legislation/updates etc. Excellent website for EU Law etc.
Handy reference site for US law, links to all US official state codes.
Website of the Association of Collaborative Practitioners listing solicitors and other members trained in Collaborative Law.
Counselling service for families experiencing difficulties.
Copyright Association of Ireland
Website of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, listing worldwide collaborative practitioners (including Ireland).
Metasearch engine that searches through Yahoo, Google, Ask and Live Search in one go.
Online phone book, much cheaper than calling directory enquiries. See also Golden Pages below.
Environmental information provided by Enterprise Ireland, relevant legislation downloadable plus guidance on a wide variety of sectors.
Latest financial and business news, share prices and stock indices for Ireland and globally. Includes analysis of latest developments.
Online phone book
Provides business intelligence and information on developments in the industry. Free monthly e-brief.
Website of the Property Registration Authority
UCC maintained Irish legal links directory.
Business listings, useful when looking for local services.
Universal Currency converter