Southern Law Association AGM 2020 & Election of Council for 2020/2021

Please note the AGM of the Southern Law Association will be held as follows:-

Date: Tuesday 17th November 2020
Venue: Online via ZOOM. To attend please email all members welcome
Time: 1pm

Included below for your attention:-

  1. Nomination Paper for the SLA Council election. see link below.
  2. AGM agenda.
    I would urge all members of the Southern Law Association to attend. CPD points will be awarded to those in attendance.
    Original, signed and completed Nomination Papers and Motions be returned to :

Catherine O’Callaghan,
SLA Hon. Secretary,
SLA Library,
Washington Street,
To arrive no later than 4.00pm on Monday 2nd November 2020.
Only fully paid up members of the Association are entitled to propose and second candidates or stand for election.
Any Motions for the AGM must be set down in writing and signed by a Proposer and Seconder.

Yours sincerely,

Catherine O’Callaghan.
Hon. Secretary


  1. Minutes of last AGM.
  2. Matters arising.
  3. Sub-committee Reports
    (a) Litigation
    (b) CPD
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. SLA President’s Report.
  6. Appointment of Scrutineers.
  7. Election of Council.
  8. Motions (if any).
  9. Address of Incoming Southern Law Association President.
  10. Address of Law Society President.
  11. Address of Law Society Director General.
  12. Open Discussion.
  13. A.O.B.