Circuit Court Cork – Civil and family law cases

Dear Practitioners,

Following the continuation of Level 5 restrictions to reduce the spread of Covid 19 by the Government on the 23rd February, 2021, the President of the Circuit Court has issued a statement which can be read by clicking on the following link.

All lists (Civil & Family) which were scheduled to be heard in Cork Circuit during the month of March are now cancelled.  All cases stand adjourned to a future date.  A notification of the adjourned date will issue from this office and on the legal diary in due course.  The Courts Service will review the situation on a weekly basis from the 15th March 2021.

County Venues:
All CIVIL cases for country venues (Fermoy, Midleton, Mallow & Macroom) are adjourned.  For criminal district court appeals, please see the practice direction above and if you have queries, please contact Anglesea Street Courthouse.  (

Jackie O Regan

Cork Civil Court Office
Washington Street
021 4805630

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